1-3.4 Schedule Adherence

1-3.4.1 General

The Postal Service expects that air carriers will operate their schedules as filed. The Postal Service recognizes that cost and operational efficiencies may be derived through schedule adjustments.

1-3.4.2 Continuous Operations in Markets

Air carriers exhibit continuous schedule compliance in markets by ensuring that schedules are in place to satisfy minimum eligibility requirements. Air carriers exhibit continuous operations in markets by scheduling and operating all or part of those schedules in each market for each 1-week period. An air carrier that fails to meet minimum scheduling requirements and/or operate any of the service for a 1-week period within a market without a satisfactory explanation will lose tender in that market for the following periods:

  1. 1 month for a first offense.
  2. 6 months for a second offense.
  3. 1 year for a third offense.