7 Driver Screening

71 General

As part of its strategy to optimize transportation and distribution networks, the Postal Service entrusts highway transportation contractor personnel to handle mail and operate vehicles on its behalf. Postal Service policy requires that all such contractor personnel be screened to determine their eligibility as drivers and to allow them access to the mail and mail-processing facilities.

Screening includes a requirement that contract delivery services suppliers must provide certification that each driver has passed a screening test for the following controlled substances:

  1. Cocaine.
  2. Marijuana.
  3. Amphetamine/methamphetamine.
  4. Opiates.
  5. Phencyclidine (PCP).

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has identified these controlled substances as the five most abused substances. The screening test must be performed by a SAMHSA-approved and -certified laboratory and must meet the cut-off levels established by SAMHSA. Additional requirements apply per Postal Service Management Instruction (MI) PO-530-2009-4, Screening Highway Transportation Contractor Personnel.