2-12.5 Reallocate (Relocate and Redeploy)

Reallocating identified surplus is the actual relocation and redeployment of a material. Reallocating puts the material to work as part of its lifespan and avoids the cost of purchasing. For example, Postal Service trucks that sit idle in a warehouse in Arizona would be transferred to a California facility that can use them immediately. Although a material may no longer fulfill the purpose for which it was purchased, it still may fulfill other purposes pertinent to the Postal Service. The purchase/SCM team will determine when and where specific materials are fruitful to more than one project or use and convey this information to the client. For reallocation to become a successful reality, the purchase/SCM team must communicate closely with any potentially concerned parties. However, the plan to reallocate does not need to be incorporated into the RFP.