5-5.2 Reallocate (Relocate and Redeploy)

Reallocating identified surplus is the actual relocation and redeployment of a material. Reallocation puts the material to work as part of its lifespan and avoids the cost of purchasing. Although a material may no longer fulfill the purpose for which it was originally purchased, it still can fulfill other purposes useful to the Postal Service. The purchase/SCM team will determine when and where specific materials are fruitful to more than one project or use and convey this information to the item manager and the client. For reallocation to become a successful reality, the purchase/SCM team must communicate closely with any potentially concerned parties.

When it has been decided that identified surplus will be reallocated, supplies will be redeployed and relocated to a new client with an identified need for the surplus. This puts the material to work as part of its lifespan, albeit for a different client. To implement the final decision to reallocate, there must be the need and the space.