5-9.4 Determine Root Cause of Problems

The client and CO, in conjunction with postcontract award workshop participants, must leverage their collective experiences, expertise, and expectations for the future to analyze the findings generated from the solicited feedback. Once complete, they must reciprocally circulate the analysis to the remainder of the purchase/SCM team. Once problems are identified, the root cause is determined, and the supplier has had the opportunity to respond, the information is recorded and posted to the knowledge site. By determining the reason for difficulties and project failures, the Postal Service can change future actions, plan strategies for enhancement, and gain a competitive advantage. Problems may have various reasons or causes, including:

  • Process — policies, processes, procedures, methods, and/or techniques.
  • Tools and technology — architecture, platforms, physical environment.
  • Organization — relationship between the Postal Service and the supplier, assigned roles and responsibilities, formal and informal structures, support functions.
  • Skills — experience and training necessary to ensure both Postal Service and supplier personnel capabilities.
  • Culture and leadership — communication, teamwork, morale, attitudes, beliefs, incentives.
  • Plans and controls — awarded contract, plans, schedules, measurements.