7-12.2 Contracts With Former Officers and Executives

It is Postal Service policy not to contract with former officers or PCES executives or entities with which such individuals have a substantial interest for 1 year after the date of their separation from the Postal Service (whether by retirement or otherwise) if the contract calls for substantially the same duties as they performed during their career with the Postal Service, as determined by CHRO & EVP. Purchase teams must enforce this policy when purchasing professional/technical or consulting services and include Provision 1-4: Prohibition Against Contracting With Former Postal Service Officers or PCES Executives, in relevant solicitations, and Clause 1-11: Prohibition Against Contracting With Former Officers or PCES Executives, in resulting contracts.

The CHRO & EVP may grant exceptions to this policy when he or she determines that doing so is in the best interest of the Postal Service. All such exceptions must be documented and included in the contract file.