2-22.1 Evaluation Factors

The supplier evaluation process is a key means of achieving competitive advantage and maximum value for money. Supplier-specific performance evaluation factors such as past performance and supplier capability are carefully evaluated to determine which suppliers to include on the prequalified list.

2-22.1.1 Past Performance

A company or individual that has performed well on previous contracts and has shown proven results in using SCM business practices is likely to do the same on similar contracts in the future. Including past performance as an evaluation factor helps ensure quality suppliers. Past performance evaluations should include the following factors:

  • Quality — a record of conformance to contract requirements and standards of good workmanship.
  • Timeliness of performance — adherence to contract schedules, including the administrative aspects of performance.
  • Business relations — a history of being reasonable and cooperative with customers, a commitment to customer satisfaction, and of integrity and ethics.
  • Cost control — a record of forecasting and containing costs on changes and cost-reimbursement contracts.

Emphasis should be placed on comparison with similar contracts held by the Postal Service when evaluating past performance. If a newly established supplier cannot provide past performance information, past performance of the supplier’s key personnel on similar projects may be evaluated.

2-22.1.2 Supplier Capability

Supplier capability is evaluated to determine a supplier’s ability to perform upon award of a contract. It should be used as a snapshot of the quality and reliability of that performance. Certain key areas must be considered when determining a supplier’s capability. To be deemed capable, the supplier must:

Certain business information must be obtained to determine that a supplier is capable. Sources of such information include: