7-11.2 Debarment and Suspension Coordinator

The debarment and suspension coordinator in SM Infrastructure, with assistance from general counsel, will review the debarment or suspension request for thoroughness, accuracy, and adherence to the requirements of the CFR before forwarding it to the VP, SM, with a recommended course of action.

If the VP, SM, determines that debarment or suspension is not warranted based on the information contained in the debarment/suspension request and the advice of general counsel, the requester will be notified by the debarment and suspension coordinator and will close the file on the request. The original debarment/suspension request will be maintained by SM Infrastructure for a period of 6 years.

If the VP, SM, determines that debarment or suspension is warranted, the debarment and suspension coordinator, with the assistance of general counsel, will prepare written notice to the party advising it of the proposed debarment or suspension. The supplier will be provided 30 days to respond to the proposed debarment or suspension. If there is no response or the supplier’s response is not sufficient and the VP, SM, still determines that debarment or suspension is warranted, the debarment and suspension coordinator will notify the GSA via its Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), the Inspection Service, and the Postal Service OIG of the debarment or suspension and post the debarment or suspension on the Postal Service internal web page, available at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/infrastructure/smi_pa_debar.htm.

When a supplier submits, in person, in writing, or through a representative, information and argument in opposition to the proposed debarment or suspension, the debarment and suspension coordinator will assist general counsel and the VP, SM, with the request (e.g., coordinating and facilitating in-person meetings, drafting or finalizing documents, etc.).