8-2.3 COR

A CO may designate, by name and position title, Postal Service employees to serve as COR (see Section 3-5, Appoint CORs). These individuals are authorized to take actions related to the award and administration of specified contracts. Designations must be in writing and must clearly specify the contracts or types of contracts over which the COR has delegated authority. Designations remain in effect until:

8-2.3.1 Authority and Limitations

A COR is authorized to:

A COR may not award, agree to, or sign any contract or, except as described above, any contract modification or termination notice. Only COs have such authority.

8-2.3.2 Restrictions

CORs must be employed in the Executive and Administrative Schedule or the PCES. They may not redelegate their authority. They may, however, assign the performance of administrative tasks to their subordinates.