

Japan Post has resumed outbound international postal services for certain destinations. However, the acceptance of mail destined for many countries and territories remains suspended, in cases where the designated operators concerned are still not accepting inbound international postal items, or reduced or cancelled flights to and from Japan result in insufficient transport capacity. Japan Post regularly updates the list of countries and territories for which acceptance of mail is suspended. Detailed information is provided on the Japan Post website at www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/overview_en.html.


Japan Post advises that following the disruption caused by the heavy rains and massive flooding, postal services have now resumed as normal. All international offices of exchange in Japan are once again operating without any backlogs.


Japan Post advises that its postal network has been severely affected by heavy rains and massive flooding. Some post offices have been closed. Some roads are inaccessible, which is delaying delivery of mail and parcels. Japan Post is making every effort to provide all international postal services, including express mail service and parcels, in spite of unavoidable delays. The affected areas are in the following postcode ranges: Nagano: 3800000–3999999, Gifu: 5000000–5099999, Shizuoka: 4100000–4399999, Aichi: 4400000–4989999, Nara: 6300000–6399999, Kyoto: 6000000–6299999, Osaka: 53000000–5999999, Hyogo: 6500000–6799999, Wakayama: 6400000–6499999, Ehime: 7900000–7999999,Yamaguchi: 7400000–7599999, Fukuoka: 8000000–8399999, 8710000–8710999, Saga: 8400000–8499999, Kumamoto: 8600000–8699999, Oita: 8700000–8799999, Nagasaki: 8500000–8599999, 8115000–8115999, 8170000–8179999, Kagoshima: 8900000–8999999.


Japan Post advises that it is resuming acceptance of outbound international mail for a number of counties and territories in limited service categories effective July 1. It has modified the list of countries and territories for which acceptance of mail is temporarily suspended. Further details are provided on the Japan Post website under "Notifications on international mail" at https://www.post.japanpost.jp/index_en.html. Japan Post is making every effort to resume acceptance of international mail for more countries and territories as soon as possible.


Japan Post advises that as a result of many countries and territories not accepting inbound international postal items, or significantly reducing or suspending flights to and from Japan because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, its transportation performance has significantly declined. Therefore, acceptance of international mail items by air and surface airlift for various countries and territories is being temporarily suspended effective April 2 until further notice. Find more details at www.post.japanpost.jp/int/information/2020/0401_02_en.html.