
New PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement

PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement, has been created to standardize all new Scheduled Pickup on Demand® service agreements between business customers and the Postal Service™. PS Form 5542 documents and defines the conditions for recurring pickups at a specified address at predetermined frequencies and times. A pickup fee is required each time Pickup on Demand service is provided, unless the pickup occurs as part of a regularly scheduled delivery or collection stop, in accordance with DMM 507.6.3.3.

A sample of the new PS Form 5542 is shown on pages 910.

PS Form 5542 - Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement (page 1 of 2)5542 pg ‘1

PS Form 5542 - Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement - Instructions (page 2 of 2)g