Nine-digit Mailer ID Conformance Notice

The Postal Service™ is requiring all customers using Confirmation Services (such as Delivery Confirmation™ or Signature Confirmation™) and Electronic Verification Sys­tem (eVS®) to use a mailer identification (MID) number that begins with the number 9 when the MID contains nine digits.

A MID number can be a six-digit or nine-digit numeric code. A nine-digit MID must begin with the number 9. Some customers currently use nine-digit MIDs that do not conform to this rule.

Conforming MIDs are defined as the following:

n A six-digit MID must begin with 0–8.

n A nine-digit MID must begin with 9.

All nonconforming nine-digit MIDs must be changed to a new conforming nine-digit MID.

Letters were sent between April and June 2010 to all Confirmation Services and eVS customers that communi­cated assignment of new conforming nine-digit MIDs. Cus­tomers have until January 31, 2011, to convert to the newly assigned MID.

The assignment of new MIDs will enable mailers to take advantage of recent and planned Mailer ID system upgrades that enable centralized, automated customer profile management including MID assignment. Future enhancements include the following:

n Registration and self-service capabilities to partici­pate in multiple programs through the business cus­tomer gateway.

n Intelligent Mail® features and the Intelligent Mail package barcode (IM®pb).

For questions about managed accounts, contact your Business Services Network representative. For all other questions, contact the National Customer Support Center at 877-264-9693, option 3.