USPS Headquarters Managers and Field Installation Heads: August 2010 Semi-Annual Capital Property Review

The next Semi-Annual Capital Property Review will commence on August 2, 2010; the completion deadline is August 18, 2010. The list of items to be verified by the selected finance numbers will be sent out by e-mail from “Materials, Customer Service — Topeka, KS” the week of August 2, 2010.

The Semi-Annual Capital Property Reviews are a Sar­banes-Oxley (SOX) requirement. A list of finance numbers that receive a Semi-Annual Capital Property Certification Report, but do not submit it on time, will be provided to senior management.

The instructions on how to conduct the Semi-Annual Capital Property Review will be posted on the Asset Accountability Service Center’s (AASC’s) website at The AASCs are also available for guidance and support. Handbook AS-701, Material Management, is under revi­sion; instructions and guidelines provided by the AASCs will supersede Handbook AS-701 where there are conflicts.


Stamps by Mail Brochure Order Form PS Form 3227-O January 2009Stamps by mail