Intelligent Mail and Address Quality

Reminder: Nine-digit Mailer ID Conformance Notice

The deadline is quickly approaching for the nine-digit Mailer ID (MID) conversion. Customers who use Confirma­tion Services (e.g., Delivery Confirmation™, Signature Confirmation™) and/or the Electronic Verification Service (eVS®), have until January 31, 2011, to convert to a newly assigned nine-digit MID that begins with the number 9.

The new nine-digit MID will enable mailers to take advantage of recent and planned MID system upgrades that enable centralized, automated customer profile man­agement including MID assignment. Future enhancements include the following:

n Registration of self-service capabilities in multiple programs through Business Customer Gateway.

n Intelligent Mail® features and Intelligent Mail package barcode (IM®pb).

For additional information, see the article “Nine-digit Mailer ID Conformance Notice” in Postal Bulletin 22290 (7-29-10, page 10). For questions about managed accounts, contact your Business Service Network repre­sentative. For all other questions, call the National Cus­tomer Support Center at 877-264-9693, option 3.