Handbook F-101 Revision: New POS Workflow for Electronic Entry and Submission of PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry

Effective January 28, 2011, Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures, is revised to incorporate a point-of-sale (POS) system enhancement for money order inquir­ies and replacement of spoiled money orders. Two district pilots begin on January 21, 2011, with a national release tentatively scheduled for January 28, 2010. Data from cus­tomer-completed PS Form 6401s will now be entered elec­tronically in POS according to procedures outlined in the following Handbook F-101 revision and the POS One (R44) Procedures Guide. Note: Customers must still complete the hard copy PS Form 6401 and submit it to the retail associate (RA) for input. RAs will use the new workflow to enter required information from the PS Form 6401 (direct entry to AIC 641 will be disabled; therefore, the workflow must be used). After all data is entered and verified, and the transaction is completed (including customer signature on the Customer Display Unit), the hard copy PS Form 6401 must be returned to the customer for his or her records (do not retain the hard copy PS Form 6401 at the retail unit).

A unit level summary report will be available in the back office report module for all spoiled money transactions.

Handbook F-101, Field Accounting Procedures

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10 Postal Money Orders

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10-3 Money Order Inquiries and Replacements

10-3.1 Inquiries

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[Revise the sixth paragraph by adding a new last sentence to read as follows:]

A customer may submit PS Form 6401 any time; a waiting period is not required. It takes 7 days for a submitted PS Form 6401 to register in the system. Electronic versions (e6401) submitted using the POS workflow will register in the system in 2 days.

[Revise the introductory text of the seventh paragraph to read as follows:]

The customer must present the original detached money order customer’s receipt and complete the following blocks of PS Form 6401:

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[Revise the introductory text of the ninth paragraph to read as follows:]

To process a PS Form 6401 using eMOVES and IRT, the RA does the following:

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d. Completes the bottom of the form with the following information:

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[Revise item 5 by adding a new second sentence to read as follows:]

(5) Signature and date of signature. (The RA must sign the bottom of PS Form 6401 verifying that the receipt was presented.)

[Revise item e to read as follows:]

e. Mails the PS Form 6401 to the USPS Scanning and Imaging Center (do not retain a copy).

[Add a new tenth paragraph to read as follows:]

To process a PS Form 6401 using POS, the RA does the following:

a. Enters the required customer information from the customer-completed PS Form 6401 using the POS money order inquiry workflow.

b. Directs the customer to verify that the information is correct and sign (customer signature) using the cus­tomer display screen.

c. Collects and accounts for the fee using the POS money order inquiry workflow.

d. Once the transaction is complete, returns the cus­tomer-completed PS Form 6401, along with the orig­inal detached money order customer’s receipt and the system-generated receipt, to the customer for his or her records (do not retain a copy of the PS 6401).

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10-3.2 Replacements

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To request a no-fee replacement, the customer must do the following:

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[Revise item b to read as follows:]

b. Complete and sign PS Form 6401 for a no-fee re­placement money order.

[Revise the introductory text of the third paragraph to read as follows:]

To issue a no-fee replacement money order using eMOVES and IRT, the RA must do the following:

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[Delete item a(3).]

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c. Ensure the PS Form 1412 reflects the following entries:

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[Revise item c(2) to read as follows:]

(2) AIC 586 for the amount of the replacement money order fee. eMOVES units use Reason Code 32, Money Order Replacement.

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[Add new fifth and sixth paragraphs to read as follows:]

To issue a no-fee replacement using POS, the RA must do the following:

a. Enter the required customer information from the customer-completed PS Form 6401 using the POS money order replacement workflow.

b. Once the transaction is complete, return the custom­er-completed PS Form 6401 to the customer for his or her records.

c. Submit the POS system-generated receipt, the dam­aged postal money order, and the detached money order customer’s receipt to the closeout employee with PS Form 1412.

The unit manager or designated employee does the following:

a. Verifies the money order data and entry to AIC 641.

b. Destroys and disposes of the damaged or mutilated postal money order and money order receipt.

[Revise new seventh paragraph by adding a sentence at the end to read as follows:]

For POS, IRT, and eMOVES, if a money order is mutilated or damaged and the customer does not have the original customer’s receipt from the money order, the PRU must attach the mutilated money order to a completed PS Form 6401 and mail both to the SIC. Do not charge the customer a fee.

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[Add a new tenth paragraph to read as follows:]

Follow the instructions on the back of PS Form 6401 for internal money order inquiries (no fee) submitted by the Postal Service.

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next quar­terly update of Handbook F-101, available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:

n Go to http://blue.usps.gov.

n In the left-hand column, under “Eseential Links”, click PolicyNet.

n Click HBKs.

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)