Cover Story

Go Green — It’s Easier Than You Think

Going green is as easy as turning off lights you aren’t using, adjusting the thermostat, using public transportation, and buying local produce.

Those are some of the easy actions highlighted on Go Green Forever commemorative stamps, the Postal Service’s™ fea­tured social awareness stamp for 2011.

Many of the messages on the stamps — such as “use efficient light bulbs” or “ride a bike” — are things you may be doing already. Others, like composting, require a bit more commitment. But no matter what you choose to do, it’s amazing how taking a few small steps can add up to big savings in energy, resources, and costs.

Pre-order sales for Go Green stamps are under way now at The pane of 16 stamps goes on sale April 14, a week before Earth Day is celebrated on April 22.

This year’s Earth Day theme encourages simple individual acts as well as large organizational and governmental efforts in support of sustainability. The Go Green stamps reinforce the Postal Service’s long-time leadership in green awareness and innovation.

In addition to encouraging people to take the everyday eco-smart steps depicted on the stamps, our organization is lead­ing by example.

Promoting these low-cost or no-cost actions brings the Postal Service closer to meeting its 2015 goals of reducing:

n Facility energy use 30 percent.

n Water use 10 percent.

n Petroleum fuel use 20 percent.

n Landfill waste 50 percent.

And by 2020, the Postal Service plans to reduce consumables spending by 30 percent.

With Lean Green Teams already reducing energy, water, solid waste to landfills, and petroleum fuel use at many of our facilities, Postal Service is saving millions of dollars as well as generating millions in revenue through recycling.

“Being green is good for the environment,” says Emil Dzuray, acting Chief Sustainability Officer, “and it’s good for the budget, whether you’re an organization as large as the Postal Service or a household trying to cut utility bills.”

See the March 24, 2011, issue of the Postal Bulletin for a publicity kit and more information about Go Green stamps.

DID YOU KNOW? The Postal Service has earned more than 75 major environmental awards.