
Publication 108 Revision: Threat Assessment Team Guide

Effective immediately, Publication 108, Threat Assess­ment Team Guide is revised. This publication sets forth requirements and guidelines to enhance the effectiveness of threat assessment teams and ensure consistency throughout the Postal Service™. The May 2011 edition supersedes the April 2010 edition. Recycle or destroy all previous editions.

Publication 108, Threat Assessment Team Guide

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3 Establishing a Threat Assessment Team

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3-2 TAT Members and Their Responsibilities

3-2.1 Core Membership

[Revise 3-2.1 as follows:]

Core members of the TAT are:

n Human Resources Manager.

n Labor Relations Manager.

n Safety Manager.

n District Manager or Operations Designee.

n Senior Plant Manager or Operations Designee.

n Postal Inspector.

3-2.2 Core Member Responsibilities

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[Add 3-2.2.6 as follows:]

3-2.2.6 Postal Inspector

n Reviewing a current or former employee’s military records.

n Contacting Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), state, and local law enforcement agencies for an employee’s criminal record.

n Reviewing gun registration records, vehicle identifi­cation information, or both.

n Conducting criminal background checks.

n Meeting with a current or former employee.

n Conducting a formal investigation of an incident.

n Preparing an investigative memorandum and submit­ting it to Postal Service management.

n Preparing a Presentation Letter (Consider for Presen­tation) of an incident for the United States Attorney or District Attorney.

n Acting as a liaison with other law enforcement agen­cies.

n Consulting with management about security for affected work sites.

3-2.3 Situational Advisors

[Remove “Postal Inspector” from the list of situational advi­sors.]

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3-2.4 Situational Advisor Responsibilities

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[Delete section 3-2.4.2, Postal Inspector, and renumber 3-2.4.3 through as 3-2.4.2 through 3.-2.4.4.]

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4 Threat Assessment Team Process

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4-2 Incident Response

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4. Collect Information

[Revise item 4 as follows:]

n Obtain documentation from employees reporting the situation and from any witnesses.

n Arrange for the incident site’s postmaster, manager, or supervisor to participate in the TAT meeting to pro­vide the team with additional information and insight. When a management representative is not available to attend, a TAT member should have summary infor­mation to present at the meeting.

The initial collection of information may determine that there is no further need for in-depth investigatory measures as outlined in steps 5 through 8 below. This situation is applicable where a priority risk level of 3 or 4 is indicated. Steps 9 and 10 should be completed regardless of the risk level.

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4-3 Meetings and Minutes

[Revise 4-3 as follows:]

The TAT must meet at least once a quarter to review team responsibilities and unresolved action items as necessary.

The quarterly TAT meetings should have all available core members in attendance, as well as those in designated roles of situational advisors and ad hoc members particular to cases under review or discussion. In addition to having updated information from the site managers of the individ­ual cases, teams are encouraged, when reasonable, to have management representation in attendance at the meeting. Each TAT should foster an environment of involve­ment and direct communication of individual cases with the management at the particular work site. Union officials may be considered for invitation at times when there is an opportunity for maintaining or advancing risk abatement.

Minutes must be kept of each TAT meeting. Although they should be kept to a minimum, the minutes must include risk assessment findings (including information indicating a sit­uation of extreme (level 1) or high (level 2) priority rating) and risk abatement actions.

To manage cases, the TAT determines what is to be done, who is to do it, when it is to be completed, and time frames for reporting updates and completion of objectives to the TAT. The TAT also assigns action items related to a specific incident and regularly follows up on an agreed-upon risk abatement plan.

Copies of minutes must be sent to the district manager and all TAT members. Verification that minutes were dissemi­nated must be logged in the TAT Membership and Meeting Tool.

5 Training and Communication

5-1 TAT, Postmaster, Manager, and Supervisor Training

5-1.1 Threat Assessment Team Training

[Revise the first paragraph of 5-1.1 as follows:]

All core members are required to complete Threat Assess­ment Team Training (either course #10015093 or #22203-00 meets this requirement).

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5-1.2 Workplace Violence Advanced Training

[Revise 5-1.2 as follows:]

Periodically, Workplace Violence Advanced Training will be available for all employees who have completed the TAT training course. The course is recommended for all core team members and ad hoc members upon core team approval. The topics may include areas such as current trends in workplace violence research, case studies of workplace incidents, or domestic violence. TAT training is a prerequisite to the advanced course (course #10015093 or #22203-00 meets this requirement).

5-2 Workplace Violence Awareness Training

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5-2.2 Acting Supervisor (204b) Training

[Revise 5-2.2 as follows:]

When an employee is detailed to a supervisory position fre­quently or for extended periods, local management will determine whether to schedule the employee for Work­place Violence Awareness Training.

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6 Workplace Violence Prevention Compliance Measures

[Revise chapter 6 as follows:]

The following list sets out tasks and action items for dis­tricts to ensure the consistent application of violence pre­vention measures. All districts must be able to demonstrate their adherence to the following items.

n Core team assembled as described in chapter 3.

n All workplace violence incidents tracked in a local database.

n Core team and selected team members trained via course #10015093 or #22203-00.

n Core team member training entered in the TAT Mem­bership and Meeting Tool.

n Quarterly meeting dates entered in the TAT Member­ship and Meeting Tool.

n Quarterly meeting minutes recorded, sent to the dis­trict manager and all TAT members, and updated in the TAT Membership and Meeting Tool.

n Post-incident analysis conducted on all cases ranked Priority 1 or Priority 2.

n Workplace Violence Prevention self audit tool com­pleted during Quarter 4 each fiscal year.

n Enter the date in the TAT Membership and Meeting Tool that the workplace violence prevention self audit was completed.

n TAT policy information issued, at a minimum, once per fiscal year. This information includes the Zero Toler­ance Policy Statement and reporting procedures for all employees. An example is provided in Exhibit 1-1.2a.

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This revision of Publication 108 will be available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website and from the Material Distribution Center as a print-on-demand document. As soon as these are available, we will publish the URL and ordering instructions in the Postal Bulletin.