Use Poster 890-B, Reduce it! This is a Zero Waste Site

Poster 890-B, Reduce it! This is a Zero Waste Site

To promote Earth Day and the USPS Green commit­ment, you are encouraged to participate in the USPS Zero Waste initiative. This initiative has become an increasingly accepted corporate solution to the needless disposal of highly valuable recyclable materials such as cardboard, mixed paper, metals, and plastics. These four materials constitute nearly 95 percent of the Postal Service waste stream, yet all of these items are 100 percent recyclable. The Postal Service needlessly spends over $49 million annually to dispose of these materials. By raising employee awareness that “there is no such thing as waste,” and that these four materials should be recycled, you can help the Postal Service adopt the “zero waste challenge” at your facility. Our goal is to have 500 facilities achieve “zero waste” (i.e., this is defined for practical purposes as recy­cling 95 percent of your waste stream) by 2015.This initia­tive is not “pie in the sky.” In 2010, nine processing and distribution centers and nine vehicle maintenance facilities were able to demonstrate the feasibility of recycling virtu­ally all their wastes once proper recycling procedures, con­tainer labeling, and employee awareness programs were implemented.

Facility managers and postmasters that wish to adopt the zero waste challenge should use Poster 890-B to raise employee awareness of your facility’s zero waste objec­tives. The Zero Waste poster can be used in conjunction with Poster 890-A and Labels 890-A and 890-B, which pro­mote and educate on recyclable items that should be placed in the appropriate recycling containers.

The success of the USPS Zero Waste recycling program depends upon employee awareness, and Poster 890-B can be used to make your office a recycling leader by adopting USPS zero waste recycling protocols available on the Office of Sustainability website. The Postal Service can make sig­nificant reductions in its sold waste disposal costs and increase revenue for recyclables if each one of our employ­ees and customers is given the opportunity to recycle.

Facility managers and postmasters should use the eBuy on-catalog requisition system to order Poster 890-B from the MDC. Search for items using the PSN number listed below (without the dashes). If your office doesn’t have access to eBuy, order using touch-tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-273-1509.

Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.) For complete TTOE ordering instructions visit the Materials Customer Service website at or call 800-332-0317, option 4, option 4.

Use the following information to order Poster 890-B:


PSN: 7690-13-000-5380

Unit of Measure: EA

Minimum Order Quantity: 1

Bulk Pack Quantity: N/A

Quick Pick Number: N/A

Price: $0.00

Edition Date 08/10