Cover Story

Third Quarter Voice of the Employee Surveys are in the Mail

The Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey is the nation largest survey of employee engagement, and an important compo­nent of measuring our success on the Employee Engagement Delivering Results Innovation Value and Efficiency (DRIVE) ini­tiative. Every year, all employees are invited to take the survey and share their opinions on the work environment on such dimensions such as communication, trust, safety, and diversity.

Why is employee engagement so important to the Postal Service?

Engaged employees enjoy what they do and feel valued for doing it. They have a positive attitude toward the Postal Ser­vice™ and its values and are motivated to help it succeed. Engaged employees understand their role in contributing to the organization success and share ownership for improving the work environment.

What drives employee engagement?

Employees are engaged when they have the right tools, training, information, and leadership that they need to do their jobs. The VOE survey is a way to tell us where we are doing well in these areas, and where we can improve.

What can managers and supervisors do to increase employee engagement?

Keep employees informed about what is going on in your installation and in the entire organization. Give them individual recognition and feedback on how they are performing and coach them to be the best they can be. Give them opportunities to develop and grow professionally. Watch your VOE scores each quarter to see how you are doing. Share your VOE survey results with employees and listen to their ideas for making improvements.

Let your opinions be heard.

Participation in the VOE survey is voluntary and entirely confidential. Employees are given 15 minutes on the clock to com­plete the survey, and responses are mailed to a third-party vendor who tabulates the results. Results are reported in sum­mary form — no individual responses can be identified by the Postal Service.

Want to know more about VOE?

See the VOE website on the Human Resources homepage on Blue at, or send your questions via Outlook email by typing “VOE” in the address line.