Organization Information


SOX Compliance

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) compliance starts with you! The Postal Service’s employees are responsible for under­standing the controls relevant to their daily job duties in order to be SOX compliant. You can ensure compliance by following established guidance on every transaction to receive an accurate count of revenue collected.

The latest SOX Key Control Guide is online at The guide details the proper procedure and required docu­mentation for all Post Office™ and branch employees to follow. For example, all supervisors and individuals respon­sible for stamp accountability need to conduct account­ability examinations at the required frequency using appropriate supporting documentation, ensuring indepen­dent counts, using proper recording requirements, and retaining count documents. Adhering to this procedure will continue to help prevent the Postal Service™ from losing revenue. The below list outlines the three controls tested regularly at Post Offices and branches:

n Individual Accountability.

n Unit Reserve Count.

n Inventory Self-Service Kiosk (formerly Automated Postal Center Stock).

You can also view links to the Key Control Guide Webinar series, hosted earlier this year by the SOX Program Manage­ment Office (PMO), and download the accompanying Q&A document. Access and review the latest webinar and Q&A document at

To see how your unit is doing, check the SOX Compli­ance Scorecard, available on the SOX website at

With your help and diligence, the Postal Service will continue to be SOX compliant at all Post Offices and branches!

Don’t forget — send SOX-related questions to the SOX inbox at