Information Security

Don’t “Reply to All”

Grahic showing email inbox envelope

If you receive an email as part of a mass mailing, don’t make the mistake of replying by selecting the “Reply all” option.

The Postal Service’s limited personal use policy prohibits sending or replying to chain emails or other unauthorized mass mailings using USPS equipment. These emails create a significant strain on the Postal Service’s email capability.

Responding to a mass mailing with a “Reply all” message creates the same strain on the network and also places an employee in violation of the use policy. Such a violation can result in the employee losing email privileges.

Employees should note that using the “Reply all” option to request removal from a mass distribution list or tell others not to respond to the mailing also constitutes a use violation.

Instead, employees should immediately delete any chain emails and unauthorized mass mailings. For additional information, please contact the Computer Incident Response Team at 866-877-7247 or email