Stamp Services

Correction: A Flag for All Seasons Coil of 100 Stamps (Item 789600)

The stamp announcement, “A Flag For all Seasons,” in Postal Bulletin 22360 (4-4-13, pages 46-47), informed offices of the release of the (Forever®) A Flag for All Seasons Coil of 100 stamps (Item 789600). The announcement noted that the item would be available for sale May 3, 2013.

In an effort to deplete existing inventory for the current (Forever) Four Flags Coil of 100 stamps (Item 788700), offices should continue to order the Four Flags Coil of 100 stamps (Item 788700) until the inventory is depleted at Stamp Distribution Centers. The SDCs will ship the Four Flags Coil of 100 stamps until inventory levels have been sufficiently reduced, at which time, offices will be notified that the A Flag for All Seasons Coil of 100 stamps (Item 789600) is available.

If customers have special requests for the A Flag for All Seasons series, Postal Retail Units should direct their customers to, the USA Philatelic catalog, or by calling 800-STAMP-24.