© 2014 USPS
On March 13, 2014, in Bryn Mawr, PA, the U.S. Postal Service® will issue the 70-cent C. Alfred “Chief” Anderson definitive stamp, in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 stamps (117100).
The stamp will go on sale nationwide March 13, 2014.
The 15th stamp in the Distinguished Americans series honors pioneering African-American aviator C. Alfred “Chief” Anderson (1907-1996), who played a crucial role during World War II in training the nation's first black military pilots, the Tuskegee Airmen. The portrait featured on the stamp is a painting by Sterling Hundley based on a photograph of Anderson. Hundley added headgear used by pilots in World War II. Verso text appears on the back of the stamp pane. Art director Phil Jordan designed the stamp.
To learn more about the stories behind the stamps, visit http://uspsstamps.com
Stamp Distribution Offices (SDOs) and Stamp Distribution Centers (SDCs) will receive their standard automatic distribution quantity for a PSA pane of 20 stamps. Distributions are rounded up to the nearest master carton size of 40,000 stamps.
SDOs/SDCs will NOT make an automatic distribution to Post Offices™. Post Offices requiring these items must requisition them from the eBuy2 SEAM Catalog or via Touch-tone ordering. Post Offices may preorder these stamps prior to the first-day-of-issue. Post Offices should not sell the stamp prior to first-day-of-issue.
All Post Offices should maintain a sufficient inventory level of this item until the stamp is officially withdrawn from sale. If supplies run low, Post Offices must reorder additional quantities using their normal ordering procedures
Customers have 60 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office, at The Postal Store® website at http://usps.com/shop, or by calling 800-STAMP-24. They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:
C. Alfred “Chief” Anderson Stamp
After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service™ will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. For more than 50, customers have to pay five cents each. All orders must be postmarked by May 13, 2014.
The Postal Service also offers first-day covers for new stamp issues and Postal Service stationery items postmarked with the official first-day-of-issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog, online at http://usps.com/shop, or by calling 800-782-6724. Customers may request a free catalog by calling 800-782-6724 or writing to:
U.S. Postal Service
Catalog Request
PO Box 219014
Kansas City, MO 64121-9014
There are seven philatelic products available for this stamp issue:
n 117106, Press Sheet w/Die Cuts, $112.00 (print quantity of 1,000).
n 117108, Press Sheet w/o Die Cuts, $112.00 (print quantity of 1,000).
n 117110*, Keepsake (Pane of 20, 1 DCP), $15.95.
n 117116*, First-Day Cover, $1.14.
n 117121*, Digital Color Postmark, $1.85.
n 117131*, Stamp Deck Card, $0.95.
n 117132*, Stamp Deck Card w/ Digital Color Postmark, $2.20.
Items with an asterisk (*) will use the 128 barcode from Stamp Fulfillment Services. All other philatelic products will continue to use barcode series A, with the exception of the Yearbook and the Guide Book.
C. Alfred “Chief” Anderson Stamp
Item Number:
Denomination & Type of Issue:
Additional ounce rate
Pane of 20 (1 design)
Distinguished Americans
Issue Date & City:
March 13, 2014, Bryn Mawr, PA
Phil Jordan
Art Director:
Phil Jordan
Sterling Hundley
Joseph Sheeran
Manufacturing Process:
Offset Microprint “USPS”
Ashton Potter
Printed at:
Williamsville, NY
Press Type:
Muller A76
Stamps per Pane:
Print Quantity:
20 million stamps
Paper Type:
Nonphosphored Type Ill, Block Tag
Adhesive Type:
Processed at:
Williamsville, NY
Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, PMS 7463 Blue C
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
0.77 x 1.05 in./19.56 x 26.67 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
0.91 x 1.19. in./23.11 x 30.23 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h):
5.55 x 5.76 in./140.97 x 146.30 mm
Uncut Press Sheet (w x h)
22.2 x 11.52 in./ 563.88 x 292.61 mm
Plate Size:
320 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
“P” followed by five (5) single digits
Marginal Markings:
Plate numbers in four corners of pane
© 2014 USPS • USPS logo • Plate position diagram • Barcode (171100) in upper right and lower left corners of pane • Descriptive Text • Website Information
— Stamp Services,
Marketing and Sales, 2-20-14