Cover Story

The Voice of the Employee Surveys are Coming Soon

Since 1999, career Postal Service™ employees have been invited to participate in the Voice of the Employee (VOE) survey. This fiscal quarter, the Postal Service is expanding participation to non-career employees. In quarter 3, all non-career employees will be sent a VOE survey to their work location where they will be given time to complete their VOE survey on-the-clock.

The VOE survey is an important workplace feedback tool that allows employees to express their opinion about their work environment on topics such as leadership, communication, diversity, and respect. The Postal Service uses feedback from the VOE to determine what is going well, and what can be improved. By expanding participation to all employees, the Postal Service will be able to better assess the needs and concerns of its total workforce.

Participation in the VOE is voluntary and entirely confidential. Responses go directly to an independent party who tabulates the results and reports them back to the Postal Service in summary form.

If you are invited to participate in the VOE this quarter, take some time — on-the-clock — to let your voice be heard.