Information Security

Smart Email Use — Take Extra Precautions with Outside Contacts

Corresponding with contacts outside the Postal Service™ is a frequent occurrence for many USPS® employees. While it is common to exchange emails with non-USPS partners, USPS employees must take extra steps to ensure senders are legitimate and information is protected.

As of June 12, 2018, all emails from external senders now include the label [EXTERNAL] in the email subject line. This visual alert system reminds employees to take extra precautions with these contacts. When you see this label, remember to do the following:

n Assess the email for signs that it may be a phishing attempt. “Urgent” requests that require immediate action or offers that seem too good to be true are common signs.

n Hover over hyperlinks to reveal their destination before clicking. Make sure the sender is trustworthy before opening any attachments.

n Report suspicious emails to CyberSafe using the Outlook button. Employees can also send the email as an attachment to (select the message and type ctrl+alt+f).

Additionally, be sure to include #sensitive# in the email subject line when sharing sensitive attachments with non-USPS recipients. This will encrypt the file and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.

For more information on email safety, visit the CyberSafe at USPS® websites on Blue ( and LiteBlue (, or the public-facing website at