The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 applies to the Postal Service™. The Act does the following:

The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 amended the Rehabilitation Act so that it conforms to the ADAAA changes.

A Postal Service employee or someone acting on an employee’s behalf may make an oral or written request for reasonable accommodation to the employee’s supervisor or manager; the local manager, Human Resources; or the Reasonable Accommodation Committee (RAC). An applicant or someone acting on an applicant’s behalf may make an oral or written request for reasonable accommodation to the examiner; the selecting official; the local manager, Human Resources; or as instructed in the job announcement.

The request will activate an informal, interactive process to determine if the individual is a qualified person with a disability and, if so, whether the Postal Service can provide accommodation so the individual can enjoy equal employment opportunity in the application process or in Postal Service employment.

The Postal Service will do the following:

The interactive process will take place at the earliest opportunity upon receipt of the request and the Postal Service will make a determination as promptly as possible.

Employees who are deaf or hard of hearing and require communication accommodations may submit an oral or written request to their supervisor or manager; the local manager, Human Resources; the RAC Chair; or the District Disability Coordinator. Applicants who are deaf or hard of hearing and require communication accommodations must follow the instructions in the job announcement.

If the Postal Service denies a request for accommodation, the Postal Service notifies the employee or applicant of the reason for the decision and the name of the person or office that made the decision. The Postal Service will advise the employee or applicant of the following:

This poster is a general reference for information purposes. For detailed information, see Handbook EL-307, Reasonable Accommodation, An Interactive Process, available in the following formats:

Poster 315, April 2017 PSN 7690-07-000-7706