4-2 Penalty Permit Imprints

Authorized agencies and their contractors may make bulk mailings using a penalty permit imprint without prepayment of postage. Unless noted here, the same requirements apply to agencies as to other users of permit imprints (see DMM 703.7.0). All postage and fees relating to penalty permit imprint mailings, including presort and bulk mailing fees, are processed through the Official Mail Accounting System (OMAS) and the resulting revenue is credited to the post offices where mailings are entered.

Exhibit 4-2 illustrates the format for penalty permit imprints. Note that all penalty permit imprint numbers are preceded by the letter “G.”

The return address must include the agency name and mailing address followed by the preprinted words “Official Business/Penalty for Private Use $300.”

Exhibit 4-2 

Penalty Permit Imprint Format

Exhibit 4-2 Penalty Permit Imprint Format