Chapter II      Postal Operations go to the 2001 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations front page go to the table of contents go to the previous page go to the next page
G. Delivery Unit Options

    1. Delivery Point Sequencing
Today, over 9,700 zones receive their mail in Delivery Point Sequence (DPS) order. These 9,700 zones account for over 83 percent of all city carrier routes and 65 percent of our rural routes, with each route averaging approximately 1,400 DPS letter pieces daily.

At the end of 2001, the number of city delivery points was approximately 83.7 million, rural deliveries totaled approximately 29.7 million, Post Office box deliveries were 19.7 million, and highway contract routes served 1.9 million deliveries for a total of 134.5 million delivery points.

Greetings from Colorado

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