Sales Programs


The Postal Service reorganized its sales force to provide greater customer support and aligned the function with Area and District boundaries to simplify coordination with operational functions when providing customer solutions.

Changes included streamlined work processes, fewer layers of management, and the merger of Business Development Teams with the commercial sales force. Customer relations were solidified with an expanded Business Service Network responsible for managing strategic business relationships, account management, and customer retention.

The reorganization also created dedicated support for service providers and other business partners. Tactical and technical support was expanded in the field and at headquarters to integrate more effectively with the operations of business mailers. The reorganization enhanced the use of customer information, increased lead generation through employee engagement programs, improved training and communications, and rolled out more “go-to-market” business strategies.

Customer Sales Initiatives

During the year, the Postal Service sales force worked with business customers to develop mailing and shipping solutions around their core business needs. Specific initiatives included the negotiation of pricing for shipping services, customer coordination for the first-ever Summer Sale, Saturation Mail Incentive, Direct Mail in a Down Economy campaign, and the new Priority Mail Flat Rate Box campaign.