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Supply Management


eSPIN — Enhanced Spare Parts Initiative

In the article "eSPIN — Enhanced Spare Parts Initiative" in Postal Bulletin 22177 (3-30-06, page 71), the second sentence in the next to last paragraph states when eSPIN will begin making recommendations to eMARS. This date has been rescheduled. The updated sentence is given here with the new eMARS beginning date shown in bold.

eSPIN will begin making recommendations nationally to eMARS on May 8, 2006.

Direct any questions regarding this change to the eSPIN project manager, Larry Strother, at 785-861-2807 or larry.d.strother@usps.gov.

—Capital Equipment Material Management,
Supply Management, 4-13-06


Hazardous and Regulated Waste Management Services Catalog on eBuy

On August 8, 2005, the Environmental and Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Category Management Center (CMC) awarded a contract to Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., (contract #2CESER-05-B-3003) to provide a full range of hazardous and regulated waste management (HRWM) services to Postal ServiceTM customers. Universal Waste Management is also listed in the catalog as an optional service. The period of performance for this contract is 4 years with three 2-year renewal options. This contract must be used by all postal facilities that need these services. Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., is the mandatory source for the purchase of all HRWM services. The Environmental and MRO CMC has contract administration responsibility for this new contract.

The preferred method for ordering HRWM products and services is eBuy at http://ebuy/jsp/co/Login.jsp. However, if postal facilities do not have access to the intranet, orders can be placed via fax, phone, or mail to:

PLANO TX 75024-3105

Telephone: 888-932-2734
Fax: 972-265-2982

The catalog for ordering HRWM services is currently available on eBuy.

Further detailed contract information and instructions, contracting officer contact information, and frequently asked questions are contained in the Material Logistics Bulletin, MLB-CO-06-003 at http://blue.usps.gov/purchase/_doc/ops_mlb06-003.doc.

—Environmental and MRO Category Management Center, Supply Management, 4-13-06

If you suspect fraud, waste or misconduct in the Postal Service, contact the hotline at 1-888-uspsoig. Visit www.uspsoig.gov on the Web for additional information.

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