Supply Management

Installation Heads/MAOs: Semiannual Review of Capital Property Records

Handbook AS-701, Material Management, Section 541.28, Internal Reviews, contains procedures for con­ducting a semiannual review of capital property records. The procedures require either the installation head or des­ignated material accountability officer (MAO) to conduct a semiannual internal review and an evaluation of the status of property records and files. The mandatory completion date for installation heads/MAOs for the semiannual review of capital property is August 25, 2008. Installation heads: if you do not have a designated MAO, please refer to Handbook AS-701, chapter 5, section 541 and Exhibit 541.21 for the assignment procedure and a sample let­ter of delegation, respectively.

We have made a few notable changes in the process used to complete a semiannual capital property review and they are as follows: For the upcoming August 2008 Capital Property Records review, Supply Management and Finance Accounting Policy, Headquarters will randomly select approximately 10 percent of capital assets with an acquisition cost of $10,000 or above for inventory and notify installations of the items selected. Previously, instal­lations self-selected the random sample. If your installation does not have any assets with an acquisition cost of $10,000 or greater, your finance number will be excluded from this inventory. We plan to revisit capital assets with an acquisition cost under $10,000 in future inventories. This is a one-time exception that allows us to assess the impact of the change in process on a smaller population of assets.

In addition, write-offs of assets that were disposed of or that installations were unable to locate will no longer be charged to the installation finance number. Effective 2008, all write-offs will now be applied to a servicewide finance number.

If you are an installation head or a designated MAO, you must complete the review and evaluation process by fol­lowing these steps:


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