
Handbook AS-353 Revision: System of Records Changes

Effective September 11, 2008, Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management, was revised to include a modifica­tion to existing Systems of Records USPS 500.300, Emer­gency Management Records, and USPS 800.000, Address Change, Mail Forwarding, and Related Services, which were published in the Federal Register on July 17, 2008 (73 FR 41134–41135).

Handbook AS-353, Guide to Privacy, the Freedom of Information Act, and Records Management

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Appendix — Privacy Act Systems of Records

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Section C. Index of Systems of Records Part I. Customer Systems

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USPS 500.300 System Name: Emergency Management Records

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Categories of Individuals Covered by the System

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[Renumber existing item 2 as 3, add new items 2 and 4 to read as follows:]

2. Household members of USPS employees and other individuals having emergency management respon­sibilities officially designated by the Postal Service to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, or recover from any natural disaster or manmade hazard.

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4. Individuals whose names have been provided to the Postal Service by government agencies or disaster relief organizations as a result of a disaster or manmade hazard.

Categories of Records in the System

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[Revise items 2 and 4 to read as follows]:

2. Medical fitness and surveillance information: Records related to medical documentation such as receipt of prophylaxis, tests, including determinations of fitness to wear protective equipment, and surveil­lance for exposure to hazards.

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4. Evacuee information: Records of individuals who are impacted by natural disasters or manmade hazard, such as name; postal assignment information (if USPS employee); home, work, and emergency con­tact information; home and work address; location in facility and activities prior to evacuation; route of exit from facility; rallying point; and emergency medical treatment administered to evacuees.

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[Revise text to read as follows:]

1. To permit collaboration among officially designated individuals who are responsible for mitigation of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from any natural disaster or manmade hazard involving the Postal Service.

2. To satisfy federal requirements for the training, fit­ness testing, and medical surveillance of individuals in response to a natural disaster or manmade hazard involving the Postal Service.

3. To test for the exposure of individuals to hazards.

4. To account for the whereabouts of individuals in response to a natural disaster or manmade hazard at a postal facility.

5. To assess the likelihood of an individual’s exposure to a hazard and to contact the individual with impor­tant health-related information.

6. To provide information about disaster recovery pro­grams and services to individuals affected by a natu­ral disaster or manmade hazard.

Routine Uses of Records Maintained in the System, Including Categories of Users and the Purposes of Such Uses

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Standard routine uses 1 through 9 apply. Medical records may be disclosed to an individual’s private treating physi­cian, to medical personnel retained by USPS, and to public health agencies to provide medical examinations, medica­tions, or treatment to individuals covered by this system of records.

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Retention and Disposal

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[Revise items 2 and 3 to read as follows:]

2. Medical documentation including fitness and medi­cal surveillance information is retained 30 years from the date of collection.

3. Evacuee information is retained 5 years from the date of collection.

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System Manager(s) and Address

[Add the following entries:]

Chief Postal Inspector, United States Postal Inspection Service, United States Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza S.W., Washington, DC 20260.

Senior Vice President, Intelligent Mail and Address Quality, United States Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W., Washington, DC 20260.

Manager, Safety, Security, Emergency Planning, United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General, 1735 N. Lynn Street, Arlington, VA 22209.

[Delete the following entry:]

The Vice President, Emergency Preparedness, United States Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza S.W., Washington, DC 20260.

Notification Procedure

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Current and former employees and contractors wanting to know if information about them is maintained in this system of records must address inquiries to the facility head where currently or last employed. Headquarters employees or contractors must submit inquiries to the chief postal inspector. Requests must include full name, Social Security Number or Employee Identification Number, and employ­ment or contract dates. Individuals from whom evacuee information may have been collected must address inquir­ies to the head of the facility from which they were evacu­ated. Household members of current or former field employees and other individuals having emergency man­agement responsibilities officially designated by the Postal Service must address inquiries to the facility head where the postal employee in their household is currently or was last employed. Household members of current or former Headquarters employees and other individuals having emergency management responsibilities officially desig­nated by the Postal Service must submit inquiries to the chief postal inspector.

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Record Source Categories

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Employees; contractors; medical staff of the Postal Service; designated contractors; public health agencies; emergency response agencies, providers, first responders; individuals who are evacuated in the event of a natural disaster or manmade hazard; and household members of USPS employees and other individuals having emergency management responsibilities officially designated by the Postal Service.

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Part II. Customer Systems USPS 800.000 System Name: Address Change, Mail Forwarding, and Related Services System Location

[Revise text to read as follows:]

USPS National Customer Support Center (NCSC), Com­puterized Forwarding System (CFS) sites, Post Offices, USPS Processing and Distribution Centers, USPS IT Eagan Host Computing Services Center, and contractor sites.

Categories of Individuals Covered by the System

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Customers requesting change of address, mail forwarding, or other related services either electronically, in writing, or via telephone. Customers who are victims of a natural disaster who request mail forwarding services through the Postal Service or the American Red Cross.

Categories of Records in the System

[Revise item 2, renumber existing item 8 as item 9, and add new item number 8 to read as follows:]

2. Verification and payment information: Credit and/or debit card number, type, and expiration date; or date of birth and driver’s state and license number; infor­mation for identity verification; and billing informa­tion. Customers who are victims of a natural disaster who request mail forwarding service electronically may be required to provide date of birth for verifica­tion if credit and/or debit card information is unavailable.

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8. Online user information: Internet Protocol (IP) address, domain name, operating system versions, browser version, date and time of connection, and geographic location.

9. Protective Orders.


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[Revise item 3 to read as follows:]

3. To provide address information to the American Red Cross or other disaster relief organization about a customer who has been relocated because of disaster.

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[Add item 5 to read as follows]

5. To support investigations related to law enforcement for fraudulent transactions.

Routine Uses of Records in the System, Including Categories of Users and the Purposes of Such Uses

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Standard routine uses 1 through 7, 10, and 11 apply. In addition:

[Revise items a and b to read as follows:]

a. Disclosure upon request. The new address of a spe­cific business or organization that has filed a perma­nent change-of-address order may be furnished to any individual on request. (Note: The new address of an individual or family will not be furnished pursuant to this routine use, unless authorized by one of the standard routine uses listed above or one of the spe­cific routine uses listed below.) If a domestic violence shelter has filed a letter on official letterhead from a domestic violence coalition stating (i) that such do­mestic violence coalition meets the requirements of 42 U.S.C. § 10410 and (ii) that the organization filing the change of address is a domestic violence shelter, the new address shall not be released except pursu­ant to routine use d, e, or f pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

b. Disclosure for Address Correction. Disclosure of any customer’s new permanent address may be made to a mailer, only if the mailer is in possession of the name and old address: from the National Change-of-Address Linkage (NCOALink®) file if the mailer is seeking corrected addresses for a mailing list; from the Computerized Forwarding System (CFS), from the Postal Automated Redirection System (PARS) if a mailpiece is undeliverable as addressed, or from the Locatable Address Conversion System if an address designation has been changed or assigned. Copies of change-of-address orders may not be furnished. In the event of a disaster or manmade hazard, tem­porary address changes may be disclosed to a mailer when, in the sole determination of the Postal Service, such disclosure serves the primary interest of the customer, for example, to enable a mailer to send medicines directly to the customer’s temporary address, and only if the mailer is in possession of the customer’s name and permanent address. If a domestic violence shelter has filed a letter on official letterhead from a domestic violence coalition stating (i) that such domestic violence coalition meets the requirements of 42 U.S.C. § 10410 and (ii) that the organization filing the change of address is a domes­tic violence shelter, the new address shall not be released except pursuant to routine use d, e, or f pur­suant to the order of a court of competent jurisdic­tion.

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[Add item i to read as follows:]

i. Disclosure to a disaster relief organization. Any cus­tomer’s permanent or temporary change of address may be disclosed to the American Red Cross or other disaster relief organizations, if that address has been impacted by disaster or manmade hazard.

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Policies and Practices for Storing, Retrieving, Accessing, Retaining, and Disposing of Records in the System Storage

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Records generated from the source document are recorded on the Forwarding Control System file server and on tapes at CFS units. Electronic change-of-address records and related service records are also stored on disk and/or magnetic tape in a secured environment. Change-of-address records are consolidated in a national change-of-address (NCOA) file at the USPS IT Eagan Host Com­puting Services Center. Selected extracts of NCOA are provided in the secure data format represented by the NCOALink product to a limited number of firms under con­tract or license agreement with USPS. Records pertaining to move-related services are also transmitted to specific service providers, including government agencies and pri­vate companies under contract to USPS.

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Retention and Disposal

[Revise text to read as follows:]

1. National change-of-address and mail forwarding records are retained 4 years from the effective date.

2. Delivery units access COA records from the change-of-address Reporting System database, which retains 2 years of information from the COA effective date. The physical change-of-address order is retained in the CFS unit for 30 days if it was scanned, or 18 months if it was manually entered into the national database.

3. Online user information may be retained for 12 months.

Records existing on paper are destroyed by shredding. Records existing on computer storage media are destroyed according to the applicable USPS media saniti­zation practice.

System Manager(s) and Address

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Vice President, Retail Operations, United States Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza S.W., Washington, DC 20260.

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Record Source Categories

[Revise text to read as follows:]

Customers, personnel, service providers, and, for call cen­ter operations, commercially available sources of names, addresses, telephone numbers. For emergency change-of-addresses only, commercially available sources of names, previous addresses, and dates of birth. For alternative authentication sources of names, previous and new addresses, dates of birth, and driver’s state and license number.

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We will incorporate these revisions into the next printed version of Handbook AS-353 and into the online version of the handbook available on the Postal Service™ Poli­cyNet website:

(The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is http://blue.usps.gov/cpim.)

Refer any questions about this revision to the Records Office at 202-268-2608.