Chapter 2: Postal Operations
P. Financial Management
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The Time and Attendance Control System (TACS) project replaces five time and attendance systems, including the Postal Source Data System (PSDS), in existence since the late 1960s. The change will reduce system support and administrative costs and provide daily information. All PSDS systems were replaced by TACS by the end of 2001. During 2002, we worked to replace the other time and attendance systems. By the end of 2002, approximately 699,000 employees were being paid through time entered in TACS. The Rural Time and Attendance system will be converted to TACS in 2003. The TACS Adjust Pay program, which enables local corrections, was developed this year and will be rolled-out to coincide with Shared Services/Accounting.

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Chapter 2 Table of Contents

A.  Public Perceptions, Customer
     Outreach and Mailer Liaison

B.  Product Development

C.  International Mail

D.  Mail Volume and Service

E.  Mail Distribution

F.  Delivery Unit Operations

G.  Stamp Services

H.  Licensing Program

I.  Commercial Sales

J.  Retail Programs:
     Building the Core

K.  Pricing and Classification

L.  Marketing Technology and
     Channel Management

M. The Internet:
     Transforming the Way We Connect
      with Our Customers

N.  Technology

O.  Operations Planning

P.  Financial Management