Chapter 4:  Preliminary 2004 Annual Performance Plan
A. GPRA Requirements
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Each objective has one or more associated results-oriented performance indicators, based upon valid and verifiable measurement systems, and specific improvement targets.

FY 2004
Preliminary Performance Objectives (Sub-Goals)
FY 2004
Proposed Measurement Systems
FY 2004
Preliminary Performance Targets
VOC Timeliness and Consistency

Priority Mail (Surface) On Time
Priority Mail (Air) On Time

Express Mail On Time

Overnight First-Class Mail
  On Time
Two Day First-Class Mail
  On Time
Three Day First-Class Mai
  On Time

Priotiry Mail End-toEnd
Measurement (PETE)

Product Tracling System (PTS)

External First Class Measurement System (EXFC)

Proprietary Information
Proprietary Information

Proprietary Information

93% (Postal Quarters 1,2,3,4)*

88% (Postal Quarters 1,3,4)*

87% (Postal Quarters 1,3,4)*

VOE Minimize Impact from Accidents and Absences

Employees Committed to USPS Success
U.S. Oppucational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Illness/Injury Rates
Vouce of the Employee Survey
Better or Equal to Same Period Last Year

Better Than End of Year 2003
VOB Improve Productivity to Control Costs and Improve Contribution LEvels, and Grow the Business National Total Revenue

Total Factor Productivity
Better or Equal to Plan

Better or Equal to Plan

Note:  Service delivery indicators represent originating and destinating composite performance.
*  Starting in FY 2004, the Postal Service will be converting to monthly reporting. If no adjustments are made, the quarterly scores for 2004 will not be comparable to quarterly scores in previous years. Accordingly, the time periods for these targets may be modified to provide comparable measures.

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Chapter 4 Table of Contents

A.  GPRA Requirements

B.  Explain Changes in Goals, Objectives,
     Indicators,Measurement Systems, and