Chapter 5:  2002 Performance Report
H.  Evaluation of 2002 Performance and Changes to Goals and Subgoals in the 2003 Plan
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Table 53 FY2003 Goals, Subgoals, Indicators and Targets

Goal Sub Goal Indicator
VOC Growth
Timeliness and
Priotory Mail On Time (PETE)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
Surface Network Within 2 Days
[Note 1]
Priotory Mail On Time (PETE)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
Air Network Within 2 Days
[Note 1]
Express Mail On Time(PTS)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
Next Day
FCM On Time (EXFC)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
FCM On Time (EXFC)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
2 Day
FCM On Time (EXFC)
(Orig & Destinating Composite)
3 Day
VOE Motivated,
Productive and
Inclusive Workforce
Minimize Impact from Accidents
and Absences
Employees Committed to
USPS Success
OSHA Illness/Injury Rate

VOE Survey
VOB Affordability
Improve Productivity To Control Costs and Improve Contribution Levels and Grow the Business
National Total Revenue

Total Factor Productivity

Table 5.3 is continued on the next page...

Explanations:  Items in parentheses describe the relevant measurement system. Italics indicate clarifications of relevant goal for operational implementation. Threshhold items are basic requirements for maintence; they must be achieved in order to qualify for consideration in other categories. All targets are subject to change to adjust for external factors, such as economic conditions and workload changes.

Note 1:  the Air and Surface Networks consist of those O&D pairs that define the Air and Surface Networks for 2002.

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Chapter 5 Table of Contents

A.  Introduction

B.  Year in Review

C.  The Planning Process

D.  The Three-Voice Structure
     and Performance Goals

E.  Voice of the Customer Performance
     Goals:  Growth

F.  Voice of the Employee Performance
     Goals:  A Motivated, Productive
     and Inclusive Workforce

G.  Voice of the Business Performance
      Goals:  Financial Performance

H.  Evaluation of 2002 Performance
     and Changes to Goals and Subgoals
     in the 2003 Plan