Chapter 4 Annual Performance Report and 2007 Annual Performance Plan


The Postal Service had considerable success generating revenue to support the growth of the universal delivery network the same time it has reduced costs to maintain affordable prices. Service performance and customer satisfaction have improved steadily. Safety and employee attitudes, as reflected in the Employee Opinion Survey, have also improved over time. The Strategic Transformation Plan 2006–2010 describes how the Postal Service intends to build on these successes, and as implementation of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act proceeds, the goals, indicators, and measurement systems will be adapted and new ones will be developed, to meet the new requirements.

Transformation helped deliver solid results across the board and the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, signed into law by President Bush in December 2006, will not alter the Postal Service’s mission or major strategies, but enable the organization to continue the identification of transformation efforts and cost-cutting measures.