Chapter 3 Our Workforce
The PostalPEOPLE initiative continues to transform the way that the Postal Service provides human resource services to employees. PostalPEOPLE is an integrated technology platform that ensures efficient, high-quality service. The project’s most recent initiative was completed in September 2007 with implementation of the human capital enterprise system in all districts, areas, and Headquarters. Other activities included manager self-service, employee self-service, and online job bidding on the employee Intranet site. This year the Postal Service also launched the electronic Official Personnel Folder project to eliminate paper files.
In 2005, the Postal Service opened the Human Resources Shared Service Center (HRSSC) in Greensboro, NC, taking the efficiency model to the next level. Today, the HRSSC is fully staffed and operates on a regular business schedule. The new shared services environment, coupled with enhanced self-service options, allows employees to perform personal and work-related activities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In 2007, the HRSSC’s portfolio of services, which includes EAS internal selection, benefits, compensation, retirement, and separations processes, was augmented with the migration of organization management and job bid management processes into the center. HRSSC processed over 165,098 personnel actions, 12,562 EAS job vacancies, and 62,527 bargaining unit job postings and awards. All districts and Headquarters are now serviced by the HRSSC, which handles an average of 2,900 calls each day. The numbers are only part of the story — the true value of HRSSC is in bringing manual processes, once performed in many offices throughout the country, into one efficient center, allowing the organization and its talent to focus on the core business.
This year the Postal Service launched its online job applications pilot on the human capital enterprise platform. eCareer will streamline the application and review process. Users will find an easier, more efficient process allowing for faster applicant processing, and helping to ensure selections based on critical job-related criteria. Benefits include elimination of paper application (PS Form 991, Application for Promotion or Assignment), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access via the postal employee intranet site, applicant ability to create, save and edit their online profile, keyword search for postings, and security for personal data. The Capital Metro Area went live in July while additional areas are scheduled for 2008.