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Mail Processing
Integrated operating plans will improve mail processing performance and reduce process variability between tours and among plants and Post Offices. These plans, to be implemented nationally in 2006, will set critical entry and clearance times by operation to ensure service targets are met consistently. The Postal Service will further standardize equipment and floor layouts at plants and Post Offices to reduce mail flow inefficiencies. To further capture the benefits of automation, the Postal Service has set a target to reduce manual letter distribution volume to 10 percent and manual flat distribution volume to 45 percent in 2007. Mail processing activities will continually be reviewed and refined in all plants and operations in conjunction with the introduction of new technologies and equipment. BPI will also be employed to replicate successes from the top-performing plants to those plants that are performing at a lower level.
The Postal Service will continue to focus on standardization to ensure consistency in retail locations. A retail standardization initiative introduced in 2005 will improve employee product knowledge and management of merchandising and promotion. Workload standards developed from the Retail Data Mart Window Operations Survey (WOS) will improve productivity and staffing efficiency. WOS uses retail transaction data to calculate required staffing in half-hour increments. This allows managers to schedule the right number of counter personnel and optimize cost per retail revenue dollar. In 2006 WOS workload standards will be applied to all 15,000 offices equipped with Point of Service terminals. The Postal Service will also expand its Customer Service model office concept in 2006. This model applies workload standards to manual distribution, dispatch, and other backroom activities in Post Offices.
Maintenance and Mail Handling
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a new predictive approach to maintenance on equipment deployments. RCM reduces operational downtime and the cost of maintenance by matching the amount of necessary maintenance with the level of equipment usage. Over the next 2 years, RCM will be introduced for existing Automated Flat Sorting Machines 100, Delivery Barcode Sorters, and Advanced Facer Canceller Systems. At selected facilities, remote video maintenance support will also be evaluated to shorten repair cycle times, reduce maintenance costs, and improve operational readiness.
The Postal Service will also explore further standardization of Mail Transport Equipment (MTE), the sacks, trays, and containers used to transport unit loads of mail. MTE standardization can increase utilization and reduce the cost of maintaining a large and complex inventory of equipment types. Ultimately, there could be many fewer types of sacks, trays, and rolling stock.