Expand Industry Outreach
The Postal Service and its customers benefit from collaborations through local organizations such as Postal Customer Councils (PCCs) and national groups like the Mailers‘ Technical Advisory Committee (MTAC). The Postal Service will continue to expand mailing industry outreach through these mailer associations, as well as at the annual National Postal Forum. A PCC Web site has been created as an additional tool to reach and educate local businesses on relevant topics such as shape-based pricing, international and expedited products, and Intelligent Mail. PCCs receive DVDs of select MTAC presentations to disseminate information at the “grassroots” level. To remain relevant and promote greater participation, new structures and programs are being developed for these venues to ensure that participating customers continue to get the most for their investment in mail.
Incorporate New Approaches to Promote Mail
A new Postal Service brand statement — Today‘s Mail — will appear in all its advertising. Today‘s Mail represents what the Postal Service can do for customers now. The Postal Service is using postcards, radio spots, magazine publications, and the Internet to let customers know about its services. The campaign uses cutting-edge graphics to advise business and residential customers about the advantages of online postal services like buying postage, printing labels, ordering free eco-friendly shipping supplies, and scheduling free parcel pickup.
Attracting a new generation of postal customers will take focused and creative outreach. These potential customers, with little inclination to go to a Post Office, are not aware that many convenient options exist online and at their mailbox. The Postal Service will continue to explore new advertising alternatives to attract their interest, using avenues that match their lifestyle and needs.
Generate Revenue — Summary of Priorities
- Encourage and develop new mail applications. Create new services that improve the value and utility of mailing and shipping services for recipients.
- Expand awareness of Intelligent Mail as a tool to help customers better manage their business.
- Use flexibility to customize products and prices.
- Tailor shipping services to market requirements, including full track and trace.
- Build on domestic strengths to increase international business.
- Streamline mail acceptance, postage payment, documentation, and verification for commercial customers.
- Make online services a key competency.
- Strengthen customer outreach through local contact programs, industry partners, and advertising that reinforces the value and relevancy of mail in today‘s market.