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Maximize Passive Scanning and Intelligent Mail to Measure Service

The Postal Service plans to use a combination of external and internal methods to develop service measurement data. The measurement system as proposed to the PRC, will expand the EXFC measurement system to virtually all 3-digit areas and incorporate Intelligent Mail-based data with the data from the EXFC measurement system and the Product Tracking System. This hybrid approach will evolve as Intelligent Mail adoption increases. The Postal Service will develop and test the service measurement system in 2008 and make it operational in 2009. The combination of improved technology and increased use of electronic documentation and Intelligent Mail barcodes by customers will make the measurement system very robust.

The ability to scan Intelligent Mail barcodes on letter processing equipment is already in place. Passive scanning on flat automation is near completion. With a final upgrade to the Flat Sorting Machine 1000 in early 2008, the passive scanning of letters, cards, and flats will be in place throughout the postal automation network. For Package Services, Delivery Confirmation and Signature Confirmation service scans will “start-the-clock” at retail and other entry points and “stop-the-clock” at delivery. New handheld scanners to support scanning were fully deployed in 2007. Enhanced software is being developed to enable additional scanning features required by service measurement. These software updates will be in place in the spring of 2008.

Intelligent Mail multiple barcodes

Performance measurement will bring unprecedented visibility and enable not only service measurement and improvement, but also improvements in mail quality and operational efficiency. Service reporting will enhance the value of mail and allow customers to continue to make informed choices regarding the desired service level.

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