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Expand Use of Facility Access and Shipment Tracking System (FAST)

The Postal Service is requiring mailers to use the FAST system for making appointments and providing electronic mailing documentation. As mailer containers arrive at postal facilities, the container barcodes are scanned and the FAST system matches the incoming mail data to the mailers‘ electronic manifest. This enables accountability for contractors that print, prepare, and transport mail to the postal facility by identifying the type of mail and when it enters the postal network.

Complete Phase I Surface Visibility

In 2006, the Surface Visibility system began using barcode technology to track mail through the processing and transportation network. This system was originally designed to improve the Postal Service transportation network but was expanded to also provide information to mailers, making the entire value chain more transparent. Surface Visibility data enhances the management of transportation contractors and provides comprehensive data for network management. Currently activated in 171 plants, Surface Visibility tracks the quantities and movement of mail between operations and destinations whether transportation is supplied by mailers or the Postal Service. Trucks and containers traveling between postal facilities are scanned and tracked from one step to the next. Quality controls embedded in the systems reduce misdirected and misdelivered mail, thereby improving service. A potential Phase II will expand Surface Visibility scanning to additional plants.

Visibility in Delivery Operations

Delivery data closes the loop on visibility, providing confirmation or proof of delivery. Giving mailers timely feedback on the ultimate delivery of a mailpiece is key to gaining insight into service. Much of the visibility process is already in place in delivery operations. Individual mailpieces will already have been linked with containers at the plant. Scanning mailing manifests will identify that drop-shipped mail has been accepted at the delivery unit. Carrier scans at the point of delivery will confirm delivery of Express Mail, mail with Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation, and accountable items such as Registered Mail. To measure service performance for saturation mail and for Periodicals, carriers may have additional scanning requirements.

Improve Information Exchange with Customers

Intelligent Mail will provide the Postal Service with high-value data for working with customers to improve service. As mailing scans occur, customer reports are available in near-real time. Acceptance data will compare entry and preparation data with postage paid, identify addressing and barcode quality issues, and provide mailers with specific feedback. Tracking data are processed and compiled for tracking systems and enduser applications such as CONFIRM, which allow mailers to receive the visibility data.

As information exchange and service tracking capabilities mature, the Postal Service and its customers will both benefit. Receiving mailing information from customers earlier in the process will enable better postal scheduling of transportation, equipment, and complement, leading to improvements in service and efficiency. Mailers in turn will be able to obtain new information about the quality of their mail that will enhance their ability to manage suppliers, communicate with their customers, and improve their operations.

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