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Ad-apt-able  adj [from Latin adaptare to fit] 1:  able to make modifications according to changing circumstances 2:  like the United States Postal Service, transforming to meet the changing needs of America.

Standing Together

photograph of Vincent R. Sombrotto, Gus Baffa, Charles E. Moser, Dick Collins, John E. Potter, William Burrus, Joseph W. Cinadr, and Vincent Palladino

Postmaster General John E. Potter is joined by the leaders of postal unions and management associations for a special broadcast to all Postal Service employees during the anthrax crisis of the fall of 2001.

Left to Right: Vincent R. Sombrotto, former president, National Association of Letter Carriers; Gus Baffa, president, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association; Charles E. Moser, former president, National Association of Postmasters of the United States; Dick Collins, assistant to the president, National Postal Mail Handlers Union; Potter; William Burrus, president, American Postal Workers Union; Joseph W. Cinadr, former president, National League of Postmasters of the United States; and Vincent Palladino, president, National Association of Postal Supervisors.

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