Adding new value to mail
We’re bullish on mail.
It touches all Americans. From small towns on the Great Plains to the great cities of both coasts, from letters from home to U.S. soldiers overseas to Alaskan villagers reached only by seaplane, mail connects our nation.
It’s personal and anticipated. It’s a birthday card lovingly sent to a grandmother or a thank-you note from a charity. It’s a catalog from a favorite merchant announcing a sale on the trendiest designer shoes or a flyer announcing the arrival of the hottest electronic game at a local business.
It’s trusted. For more than two centuries, our mail carriers have been welcomed at the front door of homes and businesses in every community. Americans trust us to protect their privacy.
It delivers results. New and innovative uses, such as voting by mail or environmentally friendly packaging, help companies build business and contribute to a multibillion-dollar mailing industry that employs millions of people. Mail has an essential role in the commerce of our nation.
We’re bullish on the future.
Change always has been part of our history. For 230 years, we have advanced on a parallel course with the development of our nation. With the enactment of the new postal law, we have started down the path to profitability and performance that will define the Postal Service of the future.
We always adapt our products and services to meet the evolving needs and changing lifestyles of Americans. We recognize the importance of giving people options that fit their busy, multitasking lives. We make it quick, easy and convenient for consumers to do business with us when and where they want, online or at a Post Office, around the clock. The Internet helps us connect with our customers, large and small.
Today’s mail is built on technology. Automation equipment moves mail and packages faster than ever toward their destinations. High-tech scanners can track mail from trucks to processing plants to the front doors of homes and businesses everywhere. Through the use of advanced barcode technology, mail is smarter than ever.
We understand that the key to our growth is increasing the value of mail and continuing to develop products and services that our customers need and want. We’re up to the challenge. Our Strategic Transformation Plan has us on a path to grow the mail and keep delivering service and trust for future generations.
Working together, we can keep the mailing industry strong and responsive to the needs of people who rely on mail to communicate and conduct business every day. Be assured — every step we take will protect the fundamental right of every American to send and receive mail affordably. And everything we do will ensure that we can deliver for future generations.
We’re bullish on our mission.
“Mail is good for business, good for the economy and, overall, it’s good for America.”
John Potter
Postmaster General, CEO