United States Postal Service Logo United We Stand
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Annual Report  2001

For more than 200 years, the United States Postal Service has kept the American people connected by mail, delivering to more than 137 million households across our great nation six days a week.

Our work is a proud, time-honored tradition. And, though we find ourselves facing a trying time in our nation's history, our resolve is unwavering. We will continue to deliver America's mail.

Through adversity in the form of unprecedented acts of terrorism, the 800,000 men and women of the United States Postal Service remain committed to keeping our nation's fundamental communications network delivering.

We, the United States Postal Service, stand united with our employees, with customers, with legislators, with the mailing industry and with American businesses.

We stand united with America in the cause to hold our great nation, and our way of life, together.

United We Stand

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