Attracting new customers
— and keeping them — is a never-ending challenge for small business owners.
So when a survey conducted by Millward Brown found small business owners
were eager for easier, more cost-effective means of attracting new customers,
we knew we could help.
We packaged our most sought-after online resources and tucked them under
one, easily accessible umbrella, the Small Business Tools web page, available
at our website, www.usps.com. The Small Business Tools suite of services
helps small business owners gain new customers and offers tips and strategies
to help keep those customers coming back.
A Direct Mail package helps business owners create direct mail campaigns
that deliver a focused message right to the front door of prospective
customers. A downloadable Direct Mail guide shows them how. Web Tools
also contains links to mailing services such as list brokers and printers,
and templates of brochures, envelopes and letters.
NetPost Mailing Online™ helps business owners design their own printed
letters, self-mailers, invoices, newsletters and postcards. We do the
rest, working from the electronic file to print, assemble and mail a completed
NetPost CardStore™ helps small business owners create customized advertising
in minutes, using an array of designs, fonts and colors. Users can incorporate
their own photo, logo or artwork for a completely customized look. The
personalized cards are printed and mailed the next business day.
Capturing the attention of prospective customers is so much easier with
the right tools. Whether it’s guiding small business owners to prospective
customers or helping them create and mail professional direct mail pieces,
the Small Business Tools suite of services is both cost-effective and
Large business mailers can now track their mailings in near real-time
with Confirm®, our new service that uses PLANET CODE® technology to identify
the mailer and store information about the mailpiece using a unique bar code.
The encoded data is captured when the mailpiece passes through our sorting
equipment, then it’s transmitted to the mailer’s computer or our Track
and Confirm website at www.usps.com.
Confirm brings mailers one step closer to knowing where their mail is
at any time. And it gives our operations managers the information they
need to isolate and resolve problems, helping us to improve service to
our customers.
