United States Postal Service Logo Greetings from Colorado
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Annual Report  2001

united we stand with  EMPLOYEES


The Postal Service’s greatest strength is the dedication of the men and women who move America’s mail. Our commitment to them is second to none. From safety to the workplace environment, from skill-building to leadership development, we’re united with our employees to help serve you better.

And they agree. Every year, we ask each career employee how we’re doing and how we can do better. This year, we experienced one of the highest response rates ever. And employees are telling us that we’re doing a good job in creating a workplace environment that values inclusion and delivers fairness.

Effective leadership is the hallmark of any successful organization. Developing our future leaders is a job we take seriously. We’ve developed innovative training programs that help employees improve skills in their present jobs. We’re also helping them prepare to meet the challenges of tomorrow — as technicians, supervisors, postmasters and executives. All of our training emphasizes accountability and integrity. Skills are important, but values are at the heart of our brand.

Maintaining a safe and secure workplace means that our employees can perform at their best for our customers. It’s the right thing to do. And management compensation is tied, in part, to safety performance. This encourages them to bring the greatest focus possible to safe work practices, safe equipment and safe facilities.

The safety of our employees was challenged as never before when the mail was used as a vehicle for bioterrorist attacks. Working with the foremost public health officials in the nation, the Postal Service implemented an aggressive and far-reaching program to protect our employees, our customers and the mail. Leaders of our employee unions and management associations were actively involved in our efforts, which involved education, prevention, intervention and investigation.


stamp art featuring postal employees
US Postal Service employee sorting mail

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