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(In millions of units indicated) blank
 Class of Mail 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
Registered Mail* blank
  Number of Mail articles 7.7 7.4 8.2 9.1 11.4
  Revenue $77.2 $75.0 $82.1 $86.6 $98.4
Certified Mail* blank
  Number of Mail articles 261.1 273.7 271.4 283.5 269.0
  Revenue $600.6 $629.5 $624.2 $605.9 $494.8
Insurance* blank
  Number of articles 53.6 53.2 59.1 59.8 60.0
  Revenue $132.2 $127.8 $138.3 $135.2 $123.1
Delivery Receipt Services** blank
  Number of articles 953.8 840.6 748.8 535.5 421.1
  Revenue $569.2 $538.0 $503.1 $460.4 $370.8
Collect on Delivery blank
  Number of articles 1.5 1.9 1.9 2.3 2.7
  Revenue $9.3 $11.4 $11.1 $13.8 $15.3
Money Orders blank
  Number issued 181.0 188.0 202.5 218.0 227.2
  Revenue $208.2 $230.7 $230.7 $239.4 $225.4
  Face value of issues (non-add)*** $28,723.0 $28,782.2 $29,151.7 $29,721.2 $30,770.3
Other blank
  Box rent revenue $791.5 $779.9 $788.1 $750.6 $699.0
  Stamped envelope and card revenue $21.0 $21.9 $24.4 $29.3 $27.1
  Other revenue, net $740.3 $676.8 $395.8 $333.3 $287.5
Totals blank
  Special Services revenue $3,149.5 $3,091.0 $2,797.8 $2,654.5 $2,341.4
  Mail revenue $66,648.7 $65,868.7 $65,700.7 $63,761.1 $63,425.2
  Revenue forgone $109.2 $36.3 $30.7 $47.6 $67.1
Total Operating Revenue $69,907.4 $68,996.0 $68,529.2 $66,463.2 $65,833.7

  *Return receipts have been broken out from Registered, Certified Mail and insurance special service categories.

  **Delivery Receipt Services contains Return Receipts, Return Receipts for Merchandise and Delivery Confirmation Service.

  ***Certain reclassifications have been made to previously reported amounts.

  ****Includes foreign postal transaction revenue.

  *****Agency and franked mailed are included in their classes of mail, when using official mail.

  Some totals may not add exactly due to rounding.