The Postal Service does not have a database with the current address of all of its customers. It doesn’t need that information since it delivers to addresses, rather than to individuals. However, if a customer moves and files a change of address order, that information is kept at the post office serving the last known address. The disclosure of customer name and address information is contained at section 265.6(d) of our regulations (39 CFR 265), which can be accessed from the FOIA home page. Change of address information about individuals or families is available only to government agency requesters, to persons needing the information to serve legal process who meet certain requirements, or pursuant to a court order. The Postal Service requires government agencies to use the following format in conjunction with regulations at 39 CFR 265.6(d)(6) when requesting the verification of a customer’s current address or a customer’s new mailing address. The request should be forwarded to the Postmaster of the last known address. (MUST BE ON AGENCY LETTERHEAD) Postmaster Date______________________ ______________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP Code Agency Control Number: ______________________________________ AGENCY REQUEST FOR ADDRESS INFORMATION Please furnish this agency with the new address, if available, for the following individual or verify whether or not the address given below is one at which mail for this individual is currently being delivered. If the following address is a post office box, please furnish the street address as recorded on the boxholder's application form. Name:_________________________________________________________ Last Known Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I certify that the address information for this individual is required for the performance of this agency's official duties. _____________________________________________________________________________ (Signature of Agency Official) _____________________________________________________________________________ (Title) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR POST OFFICE USE ONLY [ ] MAIL IS DELIVERED TO ADDRESS GIVEN NEW ADDRESS: [ ] NOT KNOWN AT ADDRESS GIVEN ________________________________________________ [ ] MOVED, LEFT NO FORWARDING ADDRESS [ ] NO SUCH ADDRESS ________________________________________________ [ ] OTHER (SPECIFY): ________________________________ BOXHOLDER STREET ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Agency return address: Postmark/Date Stamp ________________________________________ ________________________________________