5-2.2 Part B

Complete Part B if you are applying for either a General publication or a Foreign publication.

5-2.2.1 Paid Distribution

  1. Basic Annual Subscription Price
  2. Record the basic annual subscription price, which is the same as the amount in Part A, item 6.

  3. Subscriptions Received at the Basic Price
  4. Record the number of subscriptions for which the basic price was paid by individuals wishing to receive the publication. Copies to be billed (also called “promised to be paid”) may count toward these subscriptions.

  5. Subscriptions Received Under a Premium Offer or Discount
  6. Record all subscriptions paid at a discounted price or with the understanding that a premium item will be included with the subscription. In the box below item 3, describe the discount or premium and its cost to the publisher, retail value, and value represented, if any. Subscriptions for which premium offers or discounts (or a combination of the two) exceed 50 percent of the basic subscription price are nominal price subscriptions and disqualify that individual as a subscriber.

  7. Subscriptions Paid With Dues or Contributions
  8. Record the number of subscriptions paid for as part of dues or contributions to the organization. Attach a copy of the form used to obtain payments of dues or contributions and subscriptions. Such forms must show the amount of dues or contributions that are set aside for a subscription.

  9. Copies Purchased by Others
  10. List all subscriptions purchased by others (e.g., gift subscriptions). Attach a separate sheet showing who purchased these subscriptions, the price paid, and the purpose. Copies purchased in bulk for promotional purposes and copies purchased by advertisers for advertising purposes are not valid subscriptions and must be reported as unpaid distribution.

  11. Single-Copy Sales
  12. Record all single copies sold. This includes newsstand sales, vending machine sales, street copy sales, and copies sold over the publisher’s counter. Many newsstand copies are consigned to newsstands with return privileges for unsold copies. List only the sold copies. Unsold copies must be reported in item 16.

  13. Advertiser Proof Copies
  14. Record the number of copies furnished to the advertisers in the publication. Each advertiser in an issue is entitled to one proof copy to show that the ad was published. One copy per advertiser is counted as paid circulation.

  15. Exchange Copies
  16. Record any copies that are exchanged with other publications on a one-for-one basis. Additional copies are considered nonsubscriber⁄nonrequester copies and must be reported as unpaid distribution.

  17. Other Paid Circulation
  18. Record any other paid circulation that does not fit the previous items and describe how the subscriptions were sold (e.g., copies sold through agents).

  19. Total Paid Distribution
  20. Add items 2 through 9 to determine total paid distribution.

5-2.2.2 Unpaid Distribution (Nonsubscribers)

  1. Number of Bulk and Sample Copies
  2. Record the number of distributed sample copies and bulk orders. These include all promotional and complimentary copies.

  3. Expired Subscriptions
  4. Record the number of expired subscriptions. These are unpaid copies mailed to subscribers who have let their subscriptions run out without renewing.

  5. Nominal Price Subscriptions
  6. List all subscriptions sold at a price below half the value of the basic subscription price and any subscriptions sold with a premium that exceeded half the value of the basic subscription price of the publication.

  7. Total Nonsubscriber Distribution
  8. Add items 11 through 13 to determine the total nonsubscriber distribution.

  9. Total Copies Distributed
  10. Add items 10 and 14 to determine the total distribution of the publication.

5-2.2.3 Percentage

  1. Unsold Newsstand and Vending Machine Copies, Plus Other Nondistribution
  2. Record the total copies returned or recycled from newsstands and vending machines, spoiled copies from production runs, office copies, copies held in storage, and copies sent to the Post Office with this application. These copies are not distributed and are not considered when determining paid distribution. Attach documentation that substantiates the disposition of the nondistributed copies.

  3. Total Copies Printed
  4. Add items 15 and 16. This total should equal the total copies printed in Part A, item 14.

  5. Percentage of Qualified Subscribers
  6. Divide item 10 by item 15 to determine the percentage of qualified distribution. For the publication to be eligible for the Periodicals prices as a general publication, the percentage of qualified distribution must be 50 percent or more of the total distribution.