DMM Revision: Confirmation Services/eVS Barcoded Label Precertification Program

Effective July 1, 2009, the Postal Service™ revised Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) 503.9.4.3 and 503.10.4.4, to include a new Confirmation Services/eVS® Barcoded Label Precertification Program.

Previously, all Confirmation Services/eVS customers were required to submit 10 barcoded labels per printer to Confirmation Services Technical Support for testing and certification. This new precertification process allows qual­ified mailers to be automatically “certified” without submit­ting labels for testing.

To qualify, a mailer must ship 10,000 or more packages a month and print labels produced by software from vendors who have successfully met criteria to participate in the program. Mailers not using software from vendors par­ticipating in the program must still submit 10 labels per printer for testing and certification before mailing. For addi­tional information on the Confirmation Services/eVS Bar­coded Label Precertification Program, see Postal Bulletin 22260 (6-4-09, pages 65–66).

We included these revisions in the July 1 update of the online DMM on Postal Explorer® at and will include them in the next printed edition of the DMM.